
chiropractor westwood

Generating Wellness in the Workplace

By OConnor | June 27, 2018 |

What workplace wellness means to us  At our office in Westwood, we see far too many bodies ravaged by the stresses of the workplace. Whether it be mental or physical, and it is usually both, stress is at the root of every workplace malady. And it is not in the employer’s best interest to help…

chiropractor westwood

The Importance of Seeking Treatment After an Auto Accident

By OConnor | June 23, 2018 |

There is no manual on how to act in the wake of an auto accident In the wake of an auto accident, there are seemingly infinite questions to answer; if you are not seriously injured, it can be easy to forget that you still did suffer a trauma while dealing with police, insurance parties and…

Chiropractor westwood

Why We Use the Activator Method

By OConnor | June 16, 2018 |

Why we use the Activator Method Traditional, manual chiropractic adjustments are known as “high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) thrusts.” And while these adjustments provide the bulk of the treatments we provide at our office in Westwood, we also specialize in a variety of other techniques to help you get the exact treatment you need. The…

chiropractor westwood

Effective Treatment for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

By OConnor | June 14, 2018 |

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) TOS refers to a group of disorders that cause pain and dysfunction in the upper body. As the condition’s prevalence is on the rise, it is important that we take note of its causes so that we can more effectively treat the condition at its source. The space between the collarbone…

chiropractor westwood

Finding Your Center of Gravity

By OConnor | May 30, 2018 |

Why is the center of gravity (COG) so important? Center of gravity is an important player in the game of balance and stability. Many people treat balance as a purely subconscious function of human life- the truth is, it has too much impact in your life to treat it in such a casual manner. Knowing…

chiropractor westwood

Lower Limb Biomechanics in Athletes

By OConnor | May 28, 2018 |

Lower limb biomechanics are more important than ever for athletes As our understanding of this complex process grows, more sports scientists are starting to apply the power of lower limb biomechanics to athletic performance. Ambulation, or walking, is so fundamental to human existence that few of us give it pause for thought. Athletes should think…

chiropractor westwood

The Infamous Dormant Butt Syndrome

By OConnor | May 23, 2018 |

What is the science behind this unfortunate sounding condition? Are you chronically neglecting your butt muscles? Wipe that grin off your face because it could be the cause of lower back pain, knee pain and hip tightness. Inactive butt muscles can contribute, if not solely cause, a whole range of spinal pain and dysfunction. The…

Chiropractor westwood

Finding Neutral Posture Throughout the Day

By OConnor | May 19, 2018 |

Posture flows Posture is a fluid struggle- you are always going to be slipping in and out of healthy spinal postions depending on your activity. But many of us are ignorant of the basics of good, neutral posture. Let’s define it quickly: neutral posture is a position of low pressure in which the spine’s natural…

chiropractor westwood

Standing All Day: Muscle Fatigue At Its Finest

By OConnor | May 14, 2018 |

Sitting gets all the attention, but standing all day is just as harmful  “Sitting is the new smoking,” has been proclaimed by health blogs for years now, and with good reason. But just because a certain percentage of the workforce is crossing over into an office setting doesn’t mean that other jobs cause any less…

chiropractor westwood

The Deep Squat Rest: One Powerful Move for Spinal Health

By OConnor | May 9, 2018 |

Standing all day breeds a unique type of back pain The deep, full-back ache that comes from standing all day is particularly problematic. When you stand all day, your body naturally seeks to transform from neutral posture, which is hard to maintain without the proper muscles, to something that it deems, “more comfortable.” This is…