Healthy holidays

Undoing the Ill-Effects of Overindulgence: Post-Christmas Detoxification

The myth of the detox

The idea that we could detoxify our bodies is a myth that has been perpetuated by the health food industry in response to growing concerns over the toxins contained within our food. The logic is faulty: rather than designing expensive detoxes and diets, it would be more prudent to not ingest the toxins in the first place! Alas, the western diet is rife with toxins- recent studies show that as much as 60% of foods contained in the United States are processed. Ingredients like refined sugar and processed grains do nothing for our bodies and actually detract from the healthy functioning of our cells. However, it’s likely that even the healthiest of eaters will run into some stumbling blocks this holiday season. Read on to find our tips for simple post-holiday body cleansing. 

Adjusting our expectations for a post-holiday detox

Rather than hoping for a full detoxification of our bodies, we should instead focus on using diet to undo the ill-effects of overindulgence. For the purpose of this blog, we have focused on 4 specific parts of the body that can use an extra boost post-Christmas. Here are some ideas for healthy eating in the wake of a holiday season full of meats and sweets: 

  • Treat your kidney: pure cranberry juice is an indelible aid to kidneys, a part of the body where toxins tend to accumulate.
  • Treat your liver: another place where toxins accumulate, focus on potassium-rich foods and increase your intake of vitamins C and B-complex. 
  • Treat your heart: vitamin E is helpful here, as is a Mediterranean diet which focuses on plant-based nutrition, healthy fats and herbs and spices for flavoring foods. 
  • Refresh your brain: by choosing foods rich in antioxidants, including green tea, nuts and berries!

Visiting the chiropractor helps you get a head start on the New Year

At our office in Westwood, we are standing by to help you undo any damage that the holiday season caused your body. We want to help people realize that the power to control their health is in their hands! Diet is just one way you can restore your body in the wake of a heavy holiday season. We help you design solutions that incorporate diet, exercise and chiropractic care to fortify your spine against the dangers inherent in your lifestyle. Give our office a call and start out 2018 with a straight spine and a smile on your face! 

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