With Subluxation, Are you Selling your Health Short?

subluxation in westwood

Are you allowing subluxation to linger?

Subluxation essentially refers to the spine moving out of alignment. The problem begins when, whether due to acute trauma or repetitive trauma over time, spinal joints move out of alignment and put pressure on the nearby nerves. You may feel pain in the back due to the nerve compression, but what you probably don’t feel is the dysfunction that accrues when this nerve is not able to send and receive signals clearly.

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Muscle Tension has You all Tied Up

Muscle tension in Westwood

Muscle tension is a natural reaction

A natural reaction to mental and physical stress is muscle contraction- and when your muscles stay semi-contracted for a long period of time, pain and stiffness ensue. Furthermore, when your brain perceives mental stress, blood vessels constrict and less blood is able to flow to soft tissues including your muscles. This means less oxygen is reaching the cells within the muscle that need to perform respiration and more waste products are allowed to remain and accumulate. The byproduct of this system is pain or irritation in the muscles and this causes more stress, thus feeding back into the cycle. 

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Piriformis Syndrome: A Common Cause of Sciatica

piriformis syndrome westwood

Do you know your piriformis muscle?

The piriformis is small but powerful, a muscle located deep within the buttock that connects between the lower spine and the beginning of the femur. It’s function is to assist in rotation of the hip, but the piriformis is more well known for the problems it causes than for the way it assists your day to day movement. The problem is location: it just happens to sit right on top of the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the human body . In fact, in some people’s bodies, the nerve runs directly through the muscle. This sets up a scenario for impingement on the sciatic nerve. 

Piriformis syndrome is nerve impingement at its finest

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How we Help Athletes Push Further in Westwood

Chiropractic for athletes in Westwood

Chiropractic is tailor made for athletes

Pushing further in a chosen sport comes down to specialization- of both body and brain. As you grow in your sport, your body is developing a unique set of muscles that help you perform the way your brain demands. Chiropractic is about regulating the link between brain and body, and maintaining a high level of care for your body to mitigate injury and excel. More professional athletes than ever are choosing chiropractic as part of their physical health portfolio; will you join them? 

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